155,000 square foot wholesale warehouse building and 66,000 square foot of site concrete paving and sidewalks.
36,000 square foot data center with cast in place concrete walls
4 Tilt-Up Structures on a retail development with a total of 25,000 square feet of slabs with 34,000 square feet of tilt-up concrete walls, 95,000 square feet of concrete paving, and 35,000 square feet of sidewalks and courtyard patios. As well as site amenities and features including decorative salt finish integral colored sidewalks.
30,000 square foot building and 21,000 square feet of concrete paving and sidewalks
30,000 square foot church with interior and exterior concrete tilt-up wall panels, concrete stage, and 20,000 square feet of sidewalks
2 Buildings totaling 50,000 square foot combined slab on grade with 76,000 square foot of concrete paving
Dealership remodel with a new 16,000 square foot showroom and a car wash building with associated site paving, walls, and car display areas.
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